3 Things to Do Now if You're Selling Your Home in the New Year

Well, 2019 is almost behind us and if 20/20 is the year you’re planning on selling your home there are some things you can do now to set yourself up for home selling success (that’s a mouthful).

If you’re planning on selling your home this next year you’re probably starting to do a little bit of research. Here are three things to do now if you’re selling your home in the new year.

#1. Research.3 Things to Do Now if You're Selling Your Home in the New Year

Start now by checking out homes in your area or similar neighborhoods. You may find open houses, check out similar properties, and get a sense of what selling and what’s not. Check out the days on the market to find out if the home may be overpriced worth or something more you’re not seeing. If there are dozens of homes for sale in your neighborhood, you might want to wait a bit until there are fewer homes on the market. Too many homes for sale in one neighborhood makes buyers wary as if there something wrong with the neighborhood.

Do a little bit of research on any future development over the next couple of years. Talk to your real estate agent about the best time to sell and if competition will be an issue. Extenuating circumstances, current market values, and whether the market is in favor of sellers or buyers can really make a difference as to when to sell and for how much.

#2. Sell, donate, pack, or trash.3 Things to Do Now if You're Selling Your Home in the New Year

If you’re just now cleaning up holiday decorations, it’s a great time to consider throwing away old junk, donating gently used items, selling some great stuff for moving expenses, or packing things away carefully for the next home. Take your home room by room determining which of the four categories an item belongs in. This will put you ahead of the game when it comes to packing and will Declutter and clean up your home as you go.

#3. Make a checklist of any repairs or replacements needed.3 Things to Do Now if You're Selling Your Home in the New Year

If you’re unsure what your home needs have a trusted friend or even your real estate agent go through the house making notes on little items that you have become blind to. This could be a hole in a door or wall, faulty outlet, leaky faucet, mold around toilets and bathtubs, or any little items that can be easily repaired for under $100. If you know something major needs to be replaced, start saving now so that you can replace or repair the item before selling.

Even if you’re not planning on selling for another six months, by starting now you can alleviate a lot of frustration and stress that comes from listing and selling a home. For more information on what your home is currently worth throughout Sunset Bea

Additional Resources for Movers and Sellers