Why Was my Offer Rejected?
Your offer was accepted! This is something nearly all home buyers want to hear after placing an offer on a property, however, in some cases, you may not be receiving the news you had hoped for. We tend to hear about accepted offers more than offers that were rejected, however, rejected offers happen nearly just…
5 Things You Can Do if Your House Won’t Sell

No one likes to sit on the market any longer than they have to but if your property is just not getting the attention you would like, there are some things to do that could change the effects. Of course, it really does depend on the market. If you’ve priced it correctly in the market…
Buyers and Sellers Should Also Be Excited for Superbowl Weekend
Whether you are a Patriots fan or a Rams fan, Super Bowl is happening this Sunday, February 3 and it is unofficially the start of the home buying season. Although with the weather around the country, spring seems like light years away, actually, it’s right around the corner and many feel that the Super Bowl…
Benefits of Using a Real Estate Team to Buy & Sell Simultaneously
Our team has been buyer focused for decades. We love homebuyers and there’s nothing more joyful then the look on homebuyers faces when we hand over the keys and they can walk to the door of their very first home or even their dream home after years of saving. Recently we have partnered with listing…
Things You Should Know if You Want to Flip a House
Buying an investment property in order to flip and resell is not for the faint of heart but it’s also not something to be too scared of. As long as you do your research on your homework and have a real estate agent that understands your needs, buying and flipping is a great way to…
Should I Close Before the End of the Year?
The end of the year is just a couple of weeks away and you might be wondering if you should closure loan before the of the year late? Are there any benefits to closing before December 31? If you’re escrow or title company has given you the option of closing before the end of the…