There may be nothing worse than having buyers remorse after spending several hundreds of thousands of dollars on a house, lot or condominium. That’s a huge chunk of change to be regretful over.What if I Have Buyer's Remorse After a Real Estate Purchase?

And there are a lot of reasons that people might have buyers wars after finalizing the purchase of the property. Perhaps small repairs now seem overwhelming or maybe the commute is longer than expected. If this is the first house you’ve ever purchased it can be an adjustment for many people.

You may have spent weeks or even months looking for the right house and finalizing all the financial details only to regret your purchase once you close. We’ve helped several homebuyers in different markets and sometimes, the pressure of just getting the house overwrites the realization that you may not get the right house. I’ve had buyers that want to keep going on a bidding war even though they may not really love the home. It’s the thrill of the chase and the competition that they like more than the actual house, which is a huge danger for the rest of the people that need to live in the house.

We really try to emphasize finding the right house, not just winning the deal. Once you get in that house and the marriage really starts, you will start to notice things that you didn’t even think about before. But what happens if you really have buyers remorse?

First of all, give it six months. You may find other things that will be more beneficial than the things that are really bothering you. Perhaps it’s a great community or good school district; maybe you love your neighbors and find new features about the house that make you fall in love with it even more. If the end of six months you still don’t love it, talk to your real estate agent about the options. It will depend on how much money you put down on the home versus the market, versus what is available out there and what it would take to sell and purchase a new home simultaneously.

Now, in order to avoid buyers remorse, there are several things you can do ahead of time before that final closing.

Give us a call if you have buyers remorse on a home you’ve already purchased or if you’d really like a skilled agent to guide you through the home buying process. We work solely within the Brunswick County area including Sunset Beach and surrounding coastal towns.

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