It seems like real estate agents can’t win; if the home doesn’t sell, the agent mispriced it or did something wrong, if the house sells too fast it wasn’t priced high enough. But, should we really freak out or second-guess ourselves if the house sells quickly?Is it a Bad Thing if Your Home Sells Too Fast?

It all depends on what type of market we’re talking about. In a seller’s market, homes can sit on the market anywhere from 24 hours to 24 days or more depending on how the home is priced and if it is staged appropriately. If the home sells quickly, a lot of homeowners think the underpriced the house and assume they could’ve gotten more for the sale, but that’s not always the case. If the home is priced correctly, once it hits the market, buyers should be attracted to it naturally.

Many buyers have been waiting for the right house to hit the market and if your house meets their search criteria and price, boom! You have yourself a sale.

There’s also the other tactic of underpricing a house to get more interest. This could result in multiple offers and it selling for a list price. This is a risky move, however, and it depends on the market and how much demand there really is for homes in the area.

What homeowners need to realize is that they need to be prepared to move fast as well. Buyers are aggressive and if they’ve been looking for a long time, they’re more likely to jump on a house when it hits the market. This is not the time for a seller to freeze up. Any delay could cause a buyer to go elsewhere. It’s not advantageous to stress over pricing a house too low. A great real estate agent should know the market and price it correctly from the beginning. Just because you got a fast sale doesn’t mean the house was underpriced. Even if it was $5000 higher, you may not have gotten that sale.

If the home as well presented and priced correctly, you’re sure to get quick buyer interest. It’s too stressful to be on the edge of whether you’re going to get a sale or not. It’s better to get that contract negotiated and tied up as quickly as possible so everyone can move on to the next step.

If your home sells quickly don’t stress; count your blessings. The agent knew exactly what to do to get buyers in the door and an offer on the table quickly.

Give us a call today if you have questions about buying or selling throughout Sunset Beach and surrounding areas.