There is a common misconception out there that you don’t need a buyers agent when purchasing a new construction home. When you pull up to a construction site and go in to look at the onsite model home/ office the agent working for the builders will give the impression that they can handle everything for you on the purchase. This subjects buyers to “dual agency” or using a real estate agent that is working for both the buyer and seller.Reasons to Use a Buyer's Agent When Purchasing New Construction

The agent onsite is contracted by the builder to uphold the best interests of the builder. They have signed paper work committing themselves to the benefit of the builder. They by law cannot work to negotiate on the buyer’s behalf against the builder. You will find that if you bring your own agent to a new construction site the builder’s agent is okay with that and may even welcome it.

Here are some reasons why it is in a buyer’s best interest to bring their own buyers agent when purchasing new construction:

-Site agents want to sell homes for the builder and quickly not check in to see how a new home owner is doing after the close

-It is easier for site agents to speak with experienced agents than buyers

-Buyers agents are more open to any questions buyers have and have more time to get answers

-An experienced agent knows how to ask the buyer what they need and want in a home and what price they can affordReasons to Use a Buyer's Agent When Purchasing New Construction

-A buyers agent experienced in dealing with new construction deals will know how to negotiate to get you the best price/terms/warranty possible. They know how builders work and the right questions to ask and negotiations to make.

-A good buyer’s agent will take the time to go over the contract in detail and explain everything you are about to agree to with your best interest in mind

-Buyer’s agents will give advice when something in the contract comes up that may not be beneficial to the buying party and can advise on how to remedy it

-A buyer’s agent knows the current market and what comparable prices of other new construction homes in the area are to get you an even better price

-You don’t have to pay the listing price on a new construction home buyer’s agents know this and can save you thousands by negotiating on your behalf

When purchasing a home it is always beneficial to bring an experienced buyer’s agent with you to get you the best price possible on a home that fits your lifestyle. For more information on Sunset Beach NC real estate browse our website or contact us anytime.

Affiliate Resources:

How much does it cost to build a house in Utah

Our Tips: New Construction in Brunswick County