6 Home Features Buyers are Looking For

As time changes, so do the features that buyers are searching for. While some things can’t be changed such as the layout or location of your home, there are a few things that today’s buyers are searching for that you might be able to add to or incorporate into your home to make it more appealing in today’s market.

Related: New Year, New Home? Are You Planning on Buying in 2022?

Laundry Room

While most homes are equipped with laundry rooms, or have had them added over the years, there are still a few older, more historic homes, as well as condos that might not have their own in-unit laundry. This is easily one of the biggest features that buyers look for, so, if possible, try to create the space for a laundry room, or if space is limited, look into installing a washer/dryer combo unit.

6 Home Features Buyers are Looking For Garage Storage

Storage space is a must, and regardless of how much, or how little storage you have within your home, if you have a garage, it should be equipped with ample storage space. Whether with built in shelving and cabinets, or hanging storage racks on the ceiling, buyers want plenty of storage of space.

Ceiling Fans

To save on electric bills due to running the air conditioning, ceiling fans, or whole house fans are a huge feature to have within your home. Additionally, ceiling fans help with air circulation which can keep the home from feeling stuffy and create a pleasant breeze.

Energy Efficient

Energy efficiency is all the rage, and if your home isn’t energy efficient, chances are, when you try to sell you will receive lower offers than you may have expected. Windows, doors, and appliances are the main areas of your home that buyers will focus on when it comes to energy efficiency, however, lighting is another great place to make your home more energy efficient.

Hardwood Floors

While carpet is still perfectly acceptable in bedrooms, it is a flooring style that buyers don’t want to see in the main living areas of the home, hardwoods are the most sought after, however tile and other durable flooring options are seen as better, or more suitable options over carpet.

Dining Room

Believe it or not, quite a few homes no longer feature a dining room. Over the past few decades more and more people have begun to eat on the couch, the kitchen counter, kitchen island, etc. and thus, a few new construction floor plans decided to eliminate the dining space, as there was a brief time that buyers didn’t see the need for the “wasted” space, however, the trend was short lived, and buyers want to ensure that their home has a dedicated dining space.

Related: Dangers of Over or Underpricing Your Home

If you’re currently searching for a new home, are ready to sell your home and need a qualified seller’s agent to assist you, or if you have any further questions regarding Carolina Real Estate, please feel free to contact our office at any time.

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