One of the biggest things you’ll hear when buying a house is to always make sure to buy a home that is within a highly rated school district. While this is indeed quite important for a large range of reasons, the homeschool community is often left wondering if the same “rule” still applies to their home purchases. With the pandemic behind us, a lot of families have chosen to continue distance learning and the homeschool community grew drastically, making this question even more popular than in previous years. Should families who choose to homeschool still purchase a home that is within a good district? The simple answer is yes and here’s why.

Perks of a Home in a Good School District

If I Homeschool, Should I Still Buy a House in a Good School District?Friends

It’s no secret that we all have big dreams for our kids, and this often includes having a core group of friends for them to grow up with. While there are generally some kids in all neighborhoods, oftentimes families tend to feel a stronger pull to areas that are within a good school district, so it isn’t uncommon for homeschool families to also reside in neighbohoods with highly rated public schools. While the public-schools may be highly rated, oftentimes these areas, or districts, will also be home to multiple private or charter school options including homeschool coops.

Field Trips & Events

While it is easy to be creative and come up with multiple field trips and events for your homeschooled students, oftentimes highly rated public-school districts will have a list of field trips that you can mimic and take advantage of for your students. Whether you plan on flying solo or would like to get other local homeschooled students involved, great districts often have great events and field trips that you can enjoy both during the school year and over summer and winter breaks. You can learn more about Brunswick County Schools here. Or visit the district page.

Change of Heart

No matter how sure you are that you’ll continue to homeschool your kids indefinitely, there is always a chance that you may have a change of heart and one of the biggest mistakes you could make is purchasing a home in a poor school district, and then come time to enroll your students, realize you aren’t happy with your district and thus, may end up house hunting and starting back at square one.

While for many distant learning, social distancing, mask mandates and quarantines are a thing of the past, the pandemic brought a few things that are here to stay, one of them being the influx in homeschooled students. It is important to remember that even if you choose to continue homeschooling, there are great perks in purchasing a home within a highly rated school district. If you’re ready to start the search for your home in the Sunset Beach area, contact us today, we’d love to help make all of your real estate dreams, a reality!