If you’re considering selling your home in Sunset Beach and surrounding towns and cities in North and South Carolina, you need not just a good agent but a GREAT agent that gets the home sold and tells you the honest truth. Here are five questions to ask a potential realtor or real estate agent before listing your home.

#1. How many homes have you actually sold?5 Questions You Must Ask Your Realtor®

This goes beyond how many homes he/she has listed and not sold, or sold as a Buyer’s Agent. How many homes have you actually sold within the last year that you have listed? If the answer is few to none you may want to reconsider the agent. A great agent needs to know how to price the home correctly, how to set up and stage and market that home to potential buyers.

#2. How easily can I get a hold of you?

If simply setting up the listing presentation has been a slew of emails, unanswered phone calls or texts, this is only a red flag as to what the listing process may be like. Make sure you can get a hold of your agent quickly for answers to your questions, showings, and for potential offers.

#3. Can you be honest with me about the price?

This may be a hard one for many sellers to swallow. A good agent can answer most questions but a great agent can answer the tough questions. Being realistic about the selling price without just telling sellers what they want to hear is a step in the right direction to getting the home sold. Sometimes the sellers must hear the harsh reality of what their home may be worth in order to get it sold.

[Related: Questions to Ask a Buyer’s Agent]

#4. How well do you negotiate?

This is also another red flag. If you’re Agent is wavering on price and seems a little weak even in the listing presentation you can be sure that this type of attitude will carry over into the negotiations. A strong, firm but respectful agent can get things done quickly and efficiently on your behalf.

#5. Do you help with relocation?

Not all agents have a moving van at their disposal to offer to sellers when it comes time to move but help with relocation, in general, can speak volumes. Does your agent have suggestions on what to do if your current home doesn’t sell? What happens if you have two mortgages or rent and mortgage? Can they help with community relocation information such as utilities, phone numbers, and school districts?

As a Sunset Beach real estate agent, it is my duty not only to help you get your home sold but also to help your move be as smooth and as stress-free as possible. Give me a call today and I would be honored to discuss a listing presentation with you, marketing strategy and an advertising plan to get your home sold quickly.