There are many people in the real estate business because it is a lucrative one. Unfortunately not all real estate agents have a mindset of advocating for their clients and being knowledgable of the local market in which they work. This is how the 80/20 rule has come into play in many areas. It states that 80 percent of home buyers in an area are represented by only 20% of agents in the area. Here are some great questions to ask a buyer’s agent to ensure you are receiving an experienced hard working agent who will advocate for you.Good Questions to Ask When  Interviewing a Buyer's Agent

Mortgage and Financing

-Do you require pre-qualification or pre-approval before showing homes?

-Do you have trustworthy loan officers/ other professionals you can recommend?


-How long have you been licensed?

-Is this your full time career or part time job?

-How well do you know the local market?


-How many homes did you help buyers buy last year?

-On average how many buyers are you working with?

-How many homes do you like to show your buyers?

-How many homes have you helped to sell in my target area?


-Can I see testimonials or contact some past clients?


-Do you require buyers to sign a contract of agreement of services?

-Do you make sure to clearly explain any agreements or requirements before paperwork is signed?

Communication and Technology

-Are you easy to get a hold of?

-What is your personal goal for responding to a message?

-Do you have a website?

-Do you have a blog?

-How do you find available homes?


-What is your method for finding and showing a buyer potential homes?

-How are your negotiating skills?

-Are you on top of current fair market values?

-Examples of past tough negotiations you have won.


-Do you attend inspections?

-What part of the process will you not attend?

-Do you have a partner or work on your own?

-Do you have an assistant answering calls/taking care of paperwork?

The more thorough you are in the interview process the better you can assure a great agent is working for you. We are happy to interview with you and answer any questions you may have as home buyers. We work solely to benefit buyers and help them find their dream home. For more information on buying or Sunset Beach NC real estate browse our website or contact us anytime.