Many of us are heading back to our homes and many stayed and weathered the storm. Regardless, you may have some cleanup, and during that time, rodents and other pests may have found shelter in your home. This prompted this post today because we’ve talked to a lot of our neighbors that are dealing with rodents and pests in their homes seeking shelter after the hurricane. But how do we prevent these pests in the first place and what do we do once we have them?4 Ways to Keep Your House Pest-Free

Here are 4 Ways to Keep Your House Pest-Free

Keep the home clean.

Obviously, cockroaches and other pests gravitate toward dirtier homes but it doesn’t necessarily mean your home is dirty if you find a pest or two. This could mean a wayward roach, wondering mouse, or a curious rat. But, keeping your home clean is a great way to start. Keep pet food containers sealed and closed, seal off or put screens on roof vents to prevent rats and birds from making nests, and pick up any fruit that may have fallen off of fruit trees around your area. Pests will come where there is food and water and if they’re finding both of these items out in the open on your property, the more you’re going to have.

Stay on top of it.

Being a proactive homeowner can keep pests at bay. Termites are one of the most common type of past for homes in it typically enters the home by constructing mud tubes on the foundation. These termites can get into the attic, the walls, foundation, and insulation causing havoc wherever they go. Simply staying on top of these potential infestations can keep them at bay. Check for beehives underneath eaves, in the walls of your garage, or through cracks in stucco, under decks, and siding. If you see one or two aunts, there’s probably thousands more. Follow them to see where they’re going or where they’re coming from and spray around the foundation of your home at least twice a year.

Seal of the house.

Ceiling your home is one of the best ways to keep all types of pests out. This could mean blocking off common entry points, caulking gaps in stucco and around doors, window screens, and window frames and cutting off any easy entries to the home for crickets, cockroaches, ants, bees, mice, and rodents.

Get a professional opinion.

Talk to a professional pest technician to find out the best way to not only handle current problems but preventative measures that you can do at home. They will tell you what to be looking out for, red flags to be aware of, and what to do when you see a certain type of pests in or around your home.

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