4 Important Questions to Ask Your Home Inspector

Purchasing a home is the single most important purchase you will make in your life so it only seems right to ensure that you follow all the steps carefully when doing so. While most home purchases will require you to have an appraisal, in some cases you are given the option to waive a home inspection. While it may save you a few hundred dollars to skip the inspection, it could in turn end up costing you thousands upon thousands of dollars down the line. While having a home inspection completed will be helpful regardless, there are a few questions you should be sure to ask your inspector in order to get the most out of your inspection as possible.

Ask About Structural Defects

Having an honest and well-rated home inspector is ideal and will give you the confidence that there aren’t any major problems that may be underplayed on the report, however, if any of the following are found during your home inspection be sure to have them addressed immediately as they could cause both health and safety hazards down the line: Mold of any kind, Lead Paint (be sure garages, mud rooms and even attics are also checked), Structural defects, or Roof Leaks (leads to mold problems). These are all serious problems and you should never move forward with a home purchase without either having these problems addressed/fixed or be sure to have full knowledge of the risks they may cause.

In addition to the above mentioned potential problems, there are a few questions you can ask your inspector to ensure you not only understand your report, but that you know how to move forward efficiently with your purchase. The top 4 questions to remember when having your home inspection completed are as follows.

Normal Wear and Tear

Which problems on the home inspection report are caused by normal wear and tear? This may seem simple, however, what may look like a big problem to you, the buyer, may actually just be caused by continuous use, in addition, it may look like there are dozens of “problems” on the report when in reality some things may just be a little worn from use and not in need of immediate repair due to damages. By prioritizing what is simple wear and tear your “fix it” list will diminish.

Is there a Home Warranty?

Are there any home warranties being transferred? Many homeowners purchase a home warranty policy, in some cases, this warranty can be terminated after the sale of a home but in other cases the warranty can be transferred to the new owners for a set length of time. Regardless of if the warranty is being terminated or transferred, ask to get documents of all the home warranty repairs so you can see what has been serviced and when-this will allow you to get an idea of any repairs that may be coming up soon and their potential cost through a warranty contract.

More: How to make the most of your home inspection


Can you recommend an expert for this? If you see a large problem or costly repair on your home inspection, ask your inspector if they have an expert in that specific field that they can recommend. While most home inspectors are very knowledgeable, sometimes it helps to have an expert take a peak at a potential problem to better educate yourself of the problem, repair and cost.

Safety Issues

Are there any safety hazards? This could mean many different things including potential gas leaks, mold presence, bad electrical wiring, water leaks in the attic or under sinks, etc. all of which can cause extreme safety hazards. In addition to a safety hazard, these things can also cause problems when it is time for your loan to be approved for underwriting, so ensure that if these problems are present, they are all repaired prior to your underwriting to avoid your loan from not being approved.

No home is perfect, so even with a good inspector, a brand new build, or a fully renovated home, you are bound to have a few hurdles to jump, the key is understanding when to jump and how high. Once you’ve found the house you want to call home, check reviews, and ask friends, family or your realtor if they have any recommendations for a great home inspector.

More: What to Expect at the home inspection 

Call us for recommendations on reliable and trustworthy home inspectors in Sunset Beach NC. We want you to love your home long after the purchase and understanding the home inspection and your property will give you peace of mind.


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