Why Do People Move To North Carolina? – North Carolina has become one of the most desirable states in the past few years. This is vastly due to the affordability, climate, and job opportunity. North Carolina offers people the desired lifestyle they are looking for and the state has so many incredible areas to check out. If you are wondering why so many are considering a move to North Carolina, read below!

So, Why Do People Move To North Carolina?Why Do People Move To North Carolina

Cost of Living

North Carolina is one of the more affordable; estates in America. It is below the national average in rent pricing and the educational costs are lower too. North Carolina has low tax rates and this makes it attractive for business owners. The good wages combined with a lower income tax have made it desirable for younger families too. North Carolina can potentially afford you with the ability to have one parent at home if there is something you are looking to do,

Job Market

There are a lot of companies, specifically from the tech industry that is making North Carolina their new headquarters home. Some of these bigger companies are Apple, Google, and even Nike. This also makes North Carolina an excellent choice for young graduates that are entering the job market. The great business and job opportunity has truly attracted many new residents. After all, you don’t want to be in a new city with no potential employers. It is much better to have multiple opportunities around you.

Mild Climate

A mild climate is of huge importance to many who want it. to enjoy year-round outdoor activities. North Carolina has a beautiful four seasons. The summers can be hot and humid, but the winters are shorter and more mild compared to New York and New England. The mild climate makes for a great place for continuous outdoor opportunities. Many retirees love North Carolina because they are looking for a place that has a mild winter.


Location is one of the most important factors when it comes to buying real estate. North Carolina is perfectly located between Virginia and South Carolina. As a resident, you are close to the Atlantic Ocean and, incredible weekend getaways. The location gives you options to enjoy a sandy beach day or a hike in the Appalachian Mountains. Not only does it provide the job opportunity and cost of living you desire, but you also get the perfect location too.


Due to all of the above reasons, the lifestyle in North Carolina can’t be beat. It is relaxed, laid back, and full of fun. You can get the feel of being in a big city or small city depending on where you settle down. North Carolina is vibrant with so much history. There is something for everyone of all ages and walks of life.

In Conclusion

If you are looking to relocate to North Carolina and considering making the Sunset Beach area your new home, contact us. We would be happy to assist you in all of your buying, selling, or investing needs.