Should I Pay Attention or Be Concerned with Landscaping When Buying a Home?

When most people buy a home, they look at the outside a little bit but most of the important stuff is inside, right? Not necessarily. As a buyer, sometimes the outside is just as important as the inside. I’m not talking about a few flowers in the front garden bed, but any large trees, root systems, or potentially hazardous issues with the yard or the lot. Here’s what I’m talking about.

Examine the existing trees. If you are unaware of native trees, potential hazards, or treat disease in our area, it’s important to higher a tree service professional. They can identify if a tree is diseased, dangerous, or if it’s being used for something else. We literally found an entire beehive in the middle of a hollowed tree. Not only was the tree dangerous, but the bees were pretty dangerous too.

If you have a brand-new home or a home that’s less than 10 years old, a lot of construction on the ground can make trees unsafe or very weak. They may not be planted very deep, so over the years, root systems can grow into pipes and under the foundation.

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A tree service professional can also tell you about the trees you should keep in those you should remove. They can take a look at the health of the tree, determine the age, how long the tree will last, and if it poses any hazards.

The lawn is also something that you might want to take a look at. If you lot has plenty of uncompacted topsoil, you should have a pretty good chance that growing some great grass. If the lawn is older, you may need a professional lawn care service to get back into a manicured state. Neglected lawns can have bare patches, need to be thatched, and a good dusting of fresh seed.

Related: How to Protect Young Trees from Wind Damage

Landscape inspection may also be a good idea. Normal homeowners inspections can cover a lot of additional issues such as draining, retaining walls, patios, exterior lighting, fencing, arrogation systems, and anything else that might be outside of the house.

The point is, don’t look past the landscaping when choosing your home. You want to make sure that your home is not only exactly what you hoped for, but is a safe place for you and your family.