Pinecrest Homes for Sale

When you live in Pinecrest you are apart of a great neighborhood. Pinecrest is a a residential, suburban neighborhood. The Pinecrest area is near Forest Street Extended Way and Bay Village NW. It is located in the Green Bay Village of Shallotte, NC.  This community is close to the gorgeous Sunset Beach and all of its dining and shopping.Pinecrest Homes for Sale

Pinecrest Schools

If you live in Pinecrest, then your children will attend school in the Brunswick County School District. This district serves pre-kindergarten through 12th grade. Pinecrest residents attend, Supply Elementary, Shallotte Middle School, and West Brunswick High School.

Pinecrest Real Estate

The Pinecrest area features homes that are mostly 3 bedroom, 2 bath single family homes. These homes are typically moderatly priced and stay within market value. A majority of residents in the Pinecrest/Shalotte area own their homes.

What Locals Say About The Area

“Shallotte is a small town, a very diverse and helpful community. Even though Shallotte is a small town it has a very big business opportunity from job employment to those offering a career. It was very peaceful scenery to those that need a calming minute to relax their mind.”-Niche

In Conclusion

To learn more about relocating to Pinecrest or any Calabash real estate or property and Sunset Beach real estate, contact our office at any time.

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Calabash Neighborhoods

Pinecrest Sold Homes

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