You have a luxury home on the beach. How are you going to attract the right type of buyer? You know the type of buyer that would love your home but how do you get that buyer into your door?

Here are three unique ways to attract more luxury home buyers to your property.

#1. Think smarter not harder.

How to Attract More Luxury Home Buyers

We always say to work smarter and not harder so that we can pack more information, more work being done and more productivity into a shorter amount of time without feeling exhausted by the end of the day. This is where we need to be when considering marketing to the right luxury homebuyer. Luxury buyers are looking for smart technology and smart homes. You can have your entire kitchen or even your entire home including a sound system programmed from your smart phone. You can have a smart refrigerator that tells you when you’re out of a certain item or can adjust the temperature in the house, a particular room or on a specific appliance. These are little things that will really make a luxury homebuyer notice the details. By  automating your home, you can attract a luxury buyer that’s looking for ease of lifestyle, convenience and smart technology. Thermostats, appliances, window blinds, shades, garage doors and many more items can be automated within your home all to be controlled by a device no bigger than your hand. These items really appeal to luxury homebuyers and you might be surprised at who you will attract.

#2. Add an outdoor living space or spruce up the one you already have.

How to Attract More Luxury Home Buyers

Luxury home buyers are looking for an attractive and convenient outdoor living space. If you live by the beach, you need an outdoor space that emphasizes the best qualities of beach living. Have an access path out to the beach directly from your outdoor living area. Consider installing  complete outdoor kitchen with fire pit, barbecue, refrigerator, shelving and counter space. Consider making an outdoor fireplace or having an entertainment area with a covered television set, comfortable chairs, outdoor pillows or even a game space. Having outdoor living area is wildly favored in the luxury home buying market. If you have some questions about what would be attractive for your area contact a real estate agent that is specialized and luxury home selling and buying.

#3. Create an unforgettable bathroom experience.

How to Attract More Luxury Home Buyers

Yes the kitchen is important and yes automation is also important, but one of the biggest selling features is an opulent bathroom. Also, many luxury homebuyers today are not as concerned about the bathtub itself but prefer a more luxurious shower experience with multiple heads and large space. Custom designs, in the shower shelving and the seating, a variety of jets and private spaces all make an attractive bathroom. Consider a streaming waterfall, exposed rock face for a sauna style seating area. This can make a luxury master bathroom even that much more attractive.

Creating a space perfect for luxury homebuyers does take a little bit of ingenuity and budgeting in for the right additions. Each home is unique so speak with your real estate agent on what would be the biggest bang for your buck when it comes to appealing to luxury homebuyers. For more information contact Karen Baker with Sunset Beach and Beyond Realty.

Thank you to our guest spokesperson this week, Joe Hayden with Joe Hayden Realty in Louisville Kentucky.

By Raysonho @ Open Grid Scheduler / Grid Engine – Own work, CC0, | Texas Custom Patios