January is the New Hot Month to Start Looking at Homes

We may not have snow on the ground but winter is still here. However, most people think that the best time to look for homes is in the springtime and while you might have more options, you will be paying more. In a new article by Realtor.com, January appears to be the new hot month to start looking at homes. In about 20% of the nation’s largest housing markets, January with the month in which buyers logged the most listing views. Buyers seem to be trying to get ahead of the competition before the spring rush hits.

This last November 2019, the number of properties for sale drops 9.5% compared to 2018. And first-time homebuyers trying to get a deal were out of luck as the number of homes priced below $200,000 fell 16.5% over the same.

Housing markets across the country have become more competitive due to rising prices and low inventory. So savvy buyers are choosing to search for home earlier and earlier. Now that we are out of the holiday rush, homebuyers may already start thinking about buying a home in spring and starting their search now. Last year at this time, January was the busiest month for listing views on record for homebuyers in a lot of major metropolitan areas. As everyone is so busy during the holidays, buying or selling a home just isn’t on the priority list. But now that we’re passed that, the holiday decorations have been put away, buyers want to get a jump on the home-buying season.

This also means that homebuyers should consider locking in rates while their low. December had some of the lowest rates on record for any December in the past seven years so January is just a carryover from those low rates. Locking in a rate now might get you a better deal on a home within the next month or two. Many rate locks can last anywhere from 30 to 60 days so it will give you some time to search for homes without losing a low-interest rate.

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