Find an Agent With These Five Tips

It seems everyone these days is either a photographer or a real estate agent. We all know at least one friend and family member who has claimed these popular careers. So, just because you know a real estate agent, does that mean you should choose them? Not necessarily. Follow these tips to help you choose an agent.How to Find the Perfect Real Estate Agent in 5 Easy Tips

1) Find a Tech Savvy Agent. Most homes are found on the internet and the internet has a huge connection with the real estate market today. Therefore, you must find an agent who can act as a hub for all the online tools available to the real estate market. They should have a strong online presence and a solid understanding of how the internet interacts with the market.

2) Find an Agent with a Network. Networking is crucial to real estate success. A good agent has a good network established with other agents, lenders, inspectors and more…all to benefit you. The lack of a well-connected agent could mean missing out on the home of your dreams.

3) Expertise Matters. One thing that has not changed over the years is having an agent who is truly an expert in the marketplace. Whether their expertise is in a neighborhood, a building, or with a particular dynamic of buyers or sellers, they should be able to provide you with excellent service and knowledge of a particular landscape. From contracts to interest rates, your agent should be well versed and a fountain of knowledge for it all.

Read More: Is there such a thing as a Fake Agent?

4) Find an Agent Who Cares. For agents, it’s easy for each interaction to feel like just another procedure or day on the job when in actuality each client is special and unique. Additionally, let’s not forget that buying and selling a home whether for the first time or 100th time is a very personal process and you deserve to be treated like a real person who has real needs and cares.

5) Find an Agent Who’s Personable. This one kind of goes along with number two and number 4, but it’s still important to reiterate that your agent should be good with people and easy to work with. If your agent has a good network and makes you feel special, they probably got this one down. However, it can’t be stressed enough that your agent is someone with a genuine human connection who can provide a great and positive experience for all involved since the whole process of buying or selling includes many interactions with various people.

Use these tips to find the agent who’s perfect for you! Think we might be a good fit? Call us anytime! We’d love to connect to find out if we are a perfect fit!