For starters, I am very thankful that we were able to survive and recover from the hurricane season this year. It’s been a stressful year but there are still many things to be thankful for.

5 Reasons to be Thankful for in Sunset Beach This Year

#1. The beach.

Nothing beats the beautiful and amazing beach in North Carolina. Our Intracoastal waterway’s, gorgeous sunsets and sunrises, and are beach lifestyle is something to be grateful and thankful for and I love every single day waking up to this a beautiful part of the country. I know that there are other beautiful parts in this nation, but I love Sunset Beach so much.

#2. A warm home – or cool one.

Maybe you are thankful for air conditioning in the summer, or a cozy fireplace in the winter. Whatever the case may be, I am thankful for a home over my head. I am thankful that we have shelter, someplace to hang our hats, a soft place to come at the end of the day, in a beautiful place to grow our family.

#3. Fall weather.

I have talked to so many people who feel that follows their favorite holiday. The leaves are changing and we have a kaleidoscope of greens, yellows, oranges, and browns dotting the hillsides. It really is a beautiful way to transition into winter. It’s a little bit breezy, a little chilly, but that just means that fire pits on the beach are now in season.

#4. Friends and family.

When you truly understand how blessed you are with friends and family even if it’s just a few close people, it truly makes you grateful for your life. Whether it’s having a couple people over for dinner or a large get-together and fall campfire with s’mores, hot chocolate, and apple cider, I am very blessed to have friends and good family in my life.

#5. Peace.

Even when it seems like the entire world around us is falling apart and people are arguing over everything, sometimes I just have to center myself and be content with the peace I have in my own being. I’m not trying to get all new-agey on you here, but sometimes we just have to turn in and shut out all the external noise. Are we fighting against ourselves or with other people? Sometimes we have to be grateful for the peace that we have to look for inside of ourselves and be content and satisfied. There’s a balance between being content and satisfied and striving for improvement. If we’re constantly looking for more we can’t be satisfied and happy with the here and now. It’s a balance and constantly working on and myself and I am thankful for that ability to work on it and the peace it brings.

From our family and friends to your home, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful holiday season.

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